Luglio 10, 2023
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
ECJ: EU member States must start implementing the EU blocking statute properly
by Michele D'Orazio
Febbraio 25, 2023
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
The Court of Justice of the EU makes a proposal to ease the burden of its offices
by Grazia Covotta
Luglio 24, 2022
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
UK-Rwanda Memorandum breaching ius cogens: what the ECHR has done – and can practically do
by Irene Rusconi
Aprile 16, 2022
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
Russia out of the Council of Europe: what about human rights?
by Irene Rusconi
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
Censorship in Russia during the conflict in Ukraine: the case of Novaya Gazeta
by Martina Carbonaro
Marzo 17, 2022
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
Ukrainian refugees: the Council of the EU activates for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive
by Arianna Monte
Febbraio 28, 2022
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
The New Pact on Migration and Asylum (part one): The Three Core Proposals
by Lea Cerin
Gennaio 28, 2022
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
Hungary and Poland against Rule of law Conditionality Regulation: the AG’s Opinions
by Jasmina Saric
Maggio 12, 2021
Migration and Asylum (MIA)
EU Reaction to Hungarian Asylum Regulation
by Susan Elkholy
Luglio 25, 2015
Asia Observatory (AO)
La dichiarazione di Kuala Lumpur e le prospettive di integrazione dell’Organizzazione regionale del Sud-Est asiatico
by Emanuele Vincent
Gennaio 23, 2015
Asia Observatory (AO)
Accordo USA-Cina sulle emissioni di gas serra
by Alberto Monteverdi
Giorgio Briozzo
Giorgio Briozzo is a practising lawyer in international and maritime law, and teaching assistant in International Organisations and Human Rights and International Institutions and Global Governance at LUISS Guido Carli. He is also a member of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War and of the Italian Maritime Law Association. Among his recent publications: The Establishment of the European Union Agency for Asylum, in Osorin (eds.), Working Paper 2-2022M; Il ruolo del comandante di nave in relazione ad ipotesi di soccorso in mare nel diritto nazionale ed internazionale, in DirMar, 2019, pp. 715-747.
Antonio Calcara
Antonio Calcara is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Antwerp in Belgium. He received his PhD in Political Science from the LUISS Guido Carli University in 2015. His research interests are in the fields of European security and defence-industrial issues. His twitter account is @AntonioCalcara.
Claudia Candelmo
Claudia Candelmo is Researcher (RTD-B) in International Law at the Department of Law, University of Udine. Previously, she was Teaching Fellow in EU Law at Durham Law School and visiting research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Public, Comparative and International Law (Heidelberg). Her main research interests concern State responsibility and the interconnection between international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
Ivan Cardillo
Ivan Cardillo is an Adjunct Professor at China University of Political Science and Law and a Senior Advisor to the ‘Faren’ Think Tank of the Chinese Ministry of Justice. He is also the Director of the Institute of Chinese Law and Chairman of the Italy-China Business Development Forum. Cardillo serves as a scientific expert for the Knowledge Network on China and the EU-China Research and Innovation Dialogue at the European Commission. He has been appointed as an Arbitrator at the Weihai Court of International Arbitration and frequently serves as an expert witness in U.S. judicial cases involving China-related issues. With a background in teaching Chinese law at institutions such as the University of Trento and the University of Eastern Piedmont, Cardillo has published extensively on various aspects of Chinese law. He recently co-edited the book The Chinese Civil Code in the Global Legal Order: Inner and Outer Perspectives (Brill, 2024).
Francesco Cherubini
Francesco Cherubini is Associate Professor of EU Law at the Department of Political Science, Luiss “Guido Carli”, Rome. He is also the Director of the Luiss intensive course for the diplomatic career and the coordinator of the Luiss Master in Art Law. From 2022, he is UNCHR independent expert at the Rome Commission for asylum. Among his recent publications: Decisions under the Law of European Union: ‘You May Be Six People, but I Love You’, in YEL, 2022, pp- 1-60.
Thomas Christiansen
Thomas Christiansen joined Luiss University as a Professor in the Political Science Department in September 2019. He previously held positions at Maastricht University, at the European Institute of Public Administration, at Aberystwyth University of Wales and at Essex University. He is Executive Editor of the Journal of European Integration and co-editor (with Sophie Vanhoonacker) of the ‘European Administration Governance’ book series at Palgrave Macmillan. He has published widely on different aspects of European Union politics. He recently co-authored, with Emil Kirchner and Uwe Wissenbach, The European Union and China (London: Palgrave, 2019) and co-edited, with Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo, The Routledge Handbook of Parliamentary Administrations (London: Routledge, 2023).
Fiamma Concarella
Fiamma Concarella is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Law of LUISS Guido Carli University, where she is also assistant professor of “International law and Artificial intelligence” and “International Organizations and Human Rights”. She is also Tutor of International Law for the Faculty Political Science and Law. She is part of the LUISS Team of Research for the EU-funded REMIT project.
Francesca Maria Corrao
Francesca Maria Corrao is Full Professor of Arabic Culture and Language in the Department of Political Science in LUISS University of Rome, director of MISLAM Program (Master in Economics and Institutions of Islamic Countries) of the School of Government at the same university. Previously she was Professor at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (1996-2011), and visiting professor at the Alsun Faculty of the ‘Ayn Shams University in Cairo (2004), École Pratique des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris 2007), at Fudan University (Shanghai 2017), Science Pò (Menton 2017/19). She held conferences and seminars at the Universities of Cairo, Beirut, Amman, Rabat, Tunis, Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard. The main focus of her scholarly activity is on Arabic Literature, Islamic Culture and History, Mediterranean Studies, Intercultural dialogue.
In “L’Orientale” University of Naples, Corrao was in charge of the Socrates European Projects: “Les Communautés Africaines en Europe” ( Paris 2000), Les Communautés Musulmanes en Europe” (Paris 2001). She is the “contact person” for the “Manifesto” for Inclusive University” (, Universities network for peace (RUniPace ) and for the University Corridors for Refugees UNICORE 3.0 ( ); the latter is promoted by Italian universities with the support of UNHCR, in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other partners. Corrao chairs the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Orestiadi in Gibellina (Sicily); She is Overseas Research member of the Institute of Oriental Studies (Soka University, Tokyo); and is also Member of the European Union of Arabist and Islamist (UEAI), the Scientific Council of the Cortile dei Gentili (Pontifical Coucil for Culture, Vatican), International Affairs Institute IAI-Rome, the European Teachers of Modern Arabic Literature (EMTAR), Member of the Scientific committee of the Journals: Rivista Africa e Orienti, Semicerchio, ARABLIT, Journal of Arabic Literature, Dialoghi Mediterranei, open access e-journal of the Istituto Euro-Arabo.
Her most recent books include: Corrao F.M., Redaelli R., States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean, Palgrave 2021; I cavalieri, le dame e i deserti. Storia della poesia araba (Istituto per l’Oriente, 2020); In guerra non mi cercate. Poesia araba delle rivoluzioni e oltre, with O. Capezio, E. Chiti e S. Sibilio (Le Monnier, 2018); L’Islam non è terrorismo, with L. Violante (Il Mulino, 2018); Islam, Religion and Politics (LUP, 2017); Islam, State and Modernity. Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World, with Z. Eyadat and M.Hashas (Palgrave, 2017); Le Rivoluzioni Arabe. La transizione Mediterranea, (Mondadori, 2011); Poeti Arabi di Sicilia (Mesogea, 2002); Giufà il furbo, lo sciocco, il saggio (Sellerio 2001, Nawādir Juhā, in Arabic 2020).
Jean-Pierre Darnis
Jean-Pierre Darnis (MA Université Toulouse, Université Paris X; PhD Université Paris X Nanterre) teaches Contemporary History at LUISS. A full professor at the Université Côte d’Azur (Nice, France), he directs the master’s degree program in French-Italian relations. He coordinates the research program “France, Italy and their Mediterraneans” in the CMMC (Centre de la Mediterranee Moderne et Contemporaine) in Nice and is a member of the scientific council of the Courtyard of the Gentiles (Pontifical Council for Culture) in Rome. He is also an associate fellow of the Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique (FRS, Paris). He was previously director of the Security, Defense, Space program at the International Affairs Institute (IAI) in Rome, and there created the Technology and International Relations program. Email :
Donato Di Carlo
Donato Di Carlo is senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, in Cologne, and lecturer at Luiss University. Prior to joining Luiss, he has been Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, in Fiesole. His research interests revolve around the study of comparative political economy, with a focus on growth models and the role of the state in economic development and industrial policy. His current research project analyses the steady expansion of the international tourism industry in Southern Europe, investigating the determinants and properties of governments’ developmental policies undertaken to foster tourism-led growth.
Sofia Eliodori
Sofia Eliodori earned her Ph.D. in International Relations from the University for Foreigners of Perugia in 2022. Currently, she is collaborating with the Law department of LUISS Guido Carli as a Postdoctoral Fellow, engaged in the Horizon project EUARENAS, focusing on the democratic dynamics in cities. Her primary area of interest lies in understanding the intricacies of United States domestic and foreign policy, Atlantic relations, and Italy-US relations. She’s also attentive to populism, diasporas, public communication and public diplomacy.
Ersilia Francesca
Ersilia Francesca is Full Professor of History of Islamic countries at Università “L’Orientale” in Naples – Asia Africa and Mediterranean Department, where she teaches “Contemporary history of Economy of Middle East and North Africa” and “Gender Politics in Islamic Context”. She is chief editor of the peer-reviewed journal Studi Magrebini (Brill), and former director of the Center for Islamic World at L’Orientale. She is president of the University “L’Orientale” Quality Assurance Board. She is also chief editor of the series Studies in Ibadism and Oman, Olms (Germany).
Her scholarly activity focuses on Islamic law, gender studies in the MENA region, and history of Islamic economics. She published 5 books and 3 edited books; and wrote over 20 articles in PR journals and contributions in edited books in the last 10 years. Her 2002 book titled Teoria e pratica del commercio nell’islam medievale is considered a milestone in the field of studies on Ibadism and early Islam (s. review in JSAI 2004/29). Her bookEconomia, religione e morale nell’islam (Carocci 2013) is the first attempt of a comprehensive reconstruction of the Islamic economic thinking in Italian. In the last five years she has supervised over 50 Master thesis, 6 PhD projects, 1 joint-supervision (cotutelle) with EPHE, Paris, and one Postdoctoral fellow.
Among her recent publications: Economia, religione e morale nell’islam, Carocci, Roma 2013; “Gender and Economics in Mediterranean: Looking for New Opportunities for North African Women”, in States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean, Palgrave 2021; “Economia islamica: significati e prospettive”, in L’islam non è terrorismo, Il Mulino, 2018; “Denaro e valori: la business ethics dal punto di vista islamico”, in Divus Thomas, 119/2016; “Economic Opportunities and Social Challenges in the North African Transition”, in Emerging Actors in Post- Revolutionary North Africa, 2017. She is editor of the book: Ibadi Theology. Rereading Sources and Scholarly Works, G. OLMS, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2015 and co-editor with A.M. Di Tolla of La rivoluzione ai tempi di Internet. Il futuro della democrazia nel Maghreb e nel mondo arabo, Naples 2012, and of Emerging Actors in Post- Revolutionary North Africa, 2 vols., Naples 2017.
Andrea Gilli
Andrea Gilli is a Senior Researcher at the NATO Defense College, Rome. He received his PhD in Social and Political Science from the European University Institute in 2014. His research interests focus on issues related to technological change and military innovation. His Twitter account is @aa_gilli.
Mauro Gilli
Mauro Gilli is a Senior Researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH – Zurich). He received his PhD in Political Science from Northwestern University in 2015. His research interests include military technology and operations. His Twitter account is @Mauro_Gilli.
Alfonso Giordano
Alfonso Giordano is an associate professor of “Economic and Political Geography” at the Niccolò Cusano University of Rome, where he also teaches “Population and Migrations”, and an adjunct professor of “Population, Environment and Sustainability” and “Demography and Social Challenges” at the LUISS University in Rome. His main research fields concern the geopolitics of climate change, the human-environment interactions, and the relationship between international migration and border studies, focusing on the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Luigi Giorgi
Luigi Giorgi is a finishing PhD candidate in History of Islamic Countries at University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” Rome. Between 2018 and 2022, he has been working as Research Fellow at the department of Political Science of Luiss University, Rome. His research interests include history, politics and economics of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf, and socio-political mobilizations in the region. He is currently developing a research on the history of bilateral and multilateral relations among the Gulf States. He gained work and research experiences in Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq and Tunisia. Among his publications: Giorgi L. & Cherubini, F. (2023) Fine della guerra infinita? Afghanistan 2021. Storia, Geopolitica, Diritto, Sicurezza. FrancoAngeli, Milano (in corso di pubblicazione); Giorgi, L. (2021) Mashreq monarchies’ role in the Mediterranean Sea. The evolution of the role of Qatar in the Mediterranean crises, in “States, Actors and Geopolitical drivers in the Mediterranean. Perspectives on the New Centrality in a Changing Region” (edited by F. Corrao & R. Redaelli). Palgrave Macmillan, Londra, pp. 324-335; Giorgi, L (2015) Sidi Bouzid e la rivoluzione ripudiata, in “Limes, rivista italiana di Geopolitica”, n. 8, pp. 209-214.
Donato Greco
Donato Greco is Junior Assistant Professor of International Law at the LUISS Guido Carli (Rome), Department of Law, where he lectures on International Law, International Organisation and Human Rights, and International Legal Education.
In January 2021, he earned a PhD at the University of Naples Federico II, with a thesis on the normative relevance of soft law in the international legal system. Over the years, he has completed his academic education abroad at the Universities of Amsterdam (2014), Freiburg im Breisgau (2014-2015) and at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (University of Cambridge) from January to June 2022. At The Hague Academy of International Law, he attended the 2019 Winter Courses on Public and Private International Law and the 2022 Summer Courses on Public International Law, the latter having been awarded a scholarship funded by Dame Rosalyn Higgins.
He authored several papers published in specialized international law journals and book chapters in collective works, both in Italian and English. His research interests mainly focus on legal sources and their interpretation, the relationship between international and municipal law, global health, international economic and environmental law, immunities, and human rights.
Youngah Guahk
Youngah Guahk joined the Department of Business and Management (DIM) at Luiss University as a Lecturer in September 2020. She has a study background, with Masters degrees from Stenden University in the Netherlands and Birkbeck College, University of London, in UK. She received her PhD in Political Science from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. In her doctoral research, Dr Guahk has focused on urban governance and sustainable development in East Asia, with particular focus on the politics and policymaking regarding smart city projects in South Korea. Dr Guahk has been involved in various research projects and has published on different aspects of Korean current affairs, including chapters on the administration of the Korean National Assembly and the role of culture in Korea’s public diplomacy.
Mohammed Hashas
Mohammed Hashas [“ḥaṣ-ḥāṣ”] (PhD, Habil.) is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Luiss University of Rome; he is currently a Research Fellow affiliate to Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) in Berlin. His research areas are modern intellectual history of the Arab-Islamic world, Islam in Europe, and modern/contemporary Moroccan thought. Hashas has been a visiting research fellow in Copenhagen, Tilburg, Berlin, Oxford, and Winchester in Virginia. Hashas published The Idea of European Islam (2019), Intercultural Geopoetics (2017), and led the edition of Pluralism in Islamic Contexts (2021), Islamic Ethics and the Trusteeship Paradigm (2020), Islam, State and Modernity (2018), Imams in Western Europe (2018), besides various journal articles and book chapters. Hashas is currently finishing the editing of the first Handbook of Contemporary Moroccan Thought, for Brill 2023/4 (c. pp. 700). He contributes opinion essays in Arabic and English on religion, politics, philosophy and society in the Arab world (they are collected at his private website:
Christopher Hein
Christopher Hein is Professor on contract at the University LUISS Guidi Carli, Dep. Political Science. He is a former UN international civil servant and former Director of the Italian Council for Refugees. Among his recent publications: La protezione dei diritti umani (ed.), LUISS University Press 2021; The Reform of the Dublin System, in: I Flussi Migratori e le Sfide all’Europa, ed. E. Sciso, Turin 2020.
Satoko Kawamura
Satoko Kawamura is Professor and Associate Dean at the College and the Graduate School of International Relations of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Japan. Deputy Director at the Institute of Humanities, Human and Social Sciences of the Kinugasa Research Organization of Ritsumeikan. Specialized fields: International Relations (Governance of Advanced Technology, Thought of International Relations), International Administration, the Law of International Relations, and the Sociology of International Relations. Currently work: A research about the system of transnational governance and its norms, which are established by not only states or international organizations but also non-state actors that regulate themselves voluntarily. On Global Order: The Resonance of Transborder Thought, Institutions, and Norms published in Japanese is under translation into English.
Giuliana Lampo
Giuliana Lampo is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Law of the LUISS Guido Carli, where she is also Adjunct Professor of “International and EU Economic Law”. She obtained her PhD in International Law from the University of Naples Federico II in 2022, with a thesis on the topic of “Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration”. She has authored several works, published in Italian and international peer-reviewed journals and in collective works, with a particular focus on International Investment Law and Arbitration.
Ginevra Le Moli
Ginevra Le Moli is part time Professor at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, and a Fellow at the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy & Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG), where she serves as the Managing Editor of the C-EENRG Research Series. She started her academic career as Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Leiden University, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies in 2019. Ginevra is a general international lawyer with research interests both in foundational areas, including human rights and environmental law, as well as emerging fields, such as the governance of negative emission technologies (including geo-engineering) and global health security. She has published over 30 studies and she has co-authored several reports and studies commissioned by intergovernmental organizations. She has also an expanding portfolio of practice, including as a legal advisor and co-counsel in international proceedings before human rights bodies and the International Court of Justice. Ginevra holds a Ph.D. in Public International Law from the Graduate Institute of International Law and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva. She also holds an LL.B. and a Masters in Law (cum laude) from the University of Roma Tre, an LL.M. in International Law from the Graduate Institute and a Diploma in International Law from the LSE (UK) and Advanced Certificate on the prevention of pandemics from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health/Harvard Medical School (US). She is a native Italian speaker, with fluency in English and French, and working knowledge of Spanish.
Martina Lucaccini
Martina Lucaccini is a PhD candidate in Cybersecurity and a teaching assistant at LUISS Guido Carli University. She is enrolled in a joint PhD program between LUISS and Sapienza. Her research focuses on cybersecurity and Internet controls. Currently, she investigates digital transnational repression targeting political exiles and diaspora communities. She received her MA in International Relations and European Studies at the University of Florence.
Raffaele Marchetti
Raffaele Marchetti (Laurea, Rome-La Sapienza; PhD, London-LSE) is Deputy Rector for Internationalization and Professor in International Relations at the Department of Political Science and the School of Government of LUISS. His research interest concerns global politics and governance, hybrid and city diplomacy, transnational civil society, (cyber-)security and political risk, and democracy.
He acts as external expert for the European Commission and other public/private institutions on issues of global governance, public policies, civil society, and security. He is ISA’s United Nations-NGO Representative (2022-2024). He is also member of the editorial board of The International Spectator, the Academic Advisory Board of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), LabGov – the LABoratory for the GOVernance of the City as a Commons, International Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IISES). He is the editor of the Routledge series Innovations in International Affairs and the Luiss University Press series Radar.
Manfredi Marciante
Manfredi Marciante is a Research Fellow at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, focusing his academic research on individuals’ access to justice in environmental matters. He earned his Ph.D. in Law and Business and was a Visiting Scholar at the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance and the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge, where he conducted research on the modernization of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) within the realms of climate change policy, sustainable development, and international investment. He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at LUISS Guido Carli, teaching various subjects related to international law.
He regularly participates in international conferences and seminars.
Jose Carlos Mariátegui
Writer, curator, scholar and entrepreneur on culture, and technology. Dr. Mariátegui is the founder of Alta Tecnología Andina – ATA, an organization working at the intersection of art, science, technology and society in Latin America. His multidisciplinary research embraces media archaeology, digitization, archives and the impact of technology in memory institutions. He is a Lecturer at LUISS (Rome) and a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Media and Communications at the LSE. He is a Board Member of Future Everything (UK) and chairs the Education Committee at the Museo de Arte de Lima – MALI. Has published in journals such as AI & Society, Third Text, The Information Society, Telos and Leonardo and curated art and technology projects internationally for more than two decades.
Silvia Menegazzi
Silvia Menegazzi is a Lecturer at Luiss Guido Carli University and EAVI Research fellow at the East Asia National Resource Center, Elliott School of International Affairs. Her research interest cuts across International Relations and Chinese Studies with a focus on Chinese foreign policy, non-governmental actors, think tanks and international organizations. Dr. Menegazzi held research and teaching positions at Luiss Guido Carli, Roma Tre University, the China Foreign Affairs University, the University of Warwick. Dr. Menegazzi is the author of the book Rethinking Think Tanks in Contemporary China (Palgrave 2018) and co-author of the book New Regional Initiatives in China’s Foreign Policy. The Incoming Pluralism of Global Governance (Palgrave 2018). She has also been published in a variety of publications including East Asia Forum, China Brief and ChinaFile.
Luciano Monti
Adjunct Professor of European Union Policies at Luiss Guido Carli in Rome, where he has been teaching since 1999, and one of the national coordinators of the ASviS SDG 8 Working Group “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Senior Fellow of Luiss School of Government (IT) and Fellow of the Geneva Graduate Institute (IT). Member of several scientific committees in Italy and abroad. Author of over 120 scientific publications and papers on European Union policies focusing mainly on youth policies and cultural heritage development. He is member of the public policies’ youth impact evaluation committee promoted by the Italian Council of Ministers.
Novella Oliana
Novella Oliana is a transdisciplinary researcher, a lecturer at LUISS University and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, and a visual artist based in Rome. She received her initial training in cultural studies focused on the Mediterranean and the Middle East (University of Naples L’Orientale – Italy) and holds a practical-theoretical PhD in Visual Arts (Université Aix-Marseille – France) focused on contemporary visual representations in the Mediterranean. She is interested in the perception of the Middle East and of the Mediterranean identity through images; in particular, she focuses on the current phenomena of the displacement of images, whether material or mental and cultural, mainly considered as migrations through territories of all kinds and as fluctuations between media. Her works have been exhibited in Italy and abroad in group and solo exhibitions, and have appeared in various books, catalogues and journals.
Her latest publications as an author include the following: “Possibili idee di mare”, in Il corpo solitario. L’autoscatto nella fotografia contemporanea, a cura di Giorgio Bonomi, Edizioni Rubbettino 2022; “The Mediterranean surface and the archetype of the island as contemporary paradigms for accessing cultural commons”, in Cultural Commons and Urban Dynamics. A multidisciplinary perspective, Università di Catanzaro, (ed. Macrì, Morea, Trimarchi), Springer edizioni 2020; “Cartografia performativa del Mediterraneo”, in Arcoscenico, catalogo del progetto e della mostra curata da Numero Cromatico e MiBACT, Roma 2020; “What I need to be myself elsewhere”, in Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco, a cura di Manuela De Leonardis, Postmedia Books 2018; “Chambres, univers: fragments dun espace inventé. Photographie, interférence et récit dans la représentation dun lieu liminaire”, in Espaces d’interférence narrative, Art et récit au XXI siècle, ed. Jean Arnaud, Bruno Goosse, PUM Université de Toulouse 2018; “Lo spazio dell’abitare e una categoria dello spirito”, in L’Aquila 2010: dietro la catastrofe, Meridiana Rivista di Scienze Sociali, n. 65-66, ed. Viella, Roma 2018; “Il linguaggio dell’Altro: la rivista egiziana Wajhat al-Nadhar e l’11 settembre”, in Oriente Moderno, 3/224, Istituto per l’Oriente, Roma 2018.
Claudio Christopher Passalacqua
Claudio Christopher Passalacqua is currently a teaching assistant in international relations at Luiss Guido Carli. He earned a Ph.D. in international studies from the University of Trento, with a focus on power shifts in standard settings. His research interests include Foreign Policy Analysis, EU-China relations, and the competition between great powers over digital connectivity plans. Claudio holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs from John Cabot University, as well as a Double-Master Degree in International Relations from LUISS Guido Carli and China Foreign Affairs University. In addition, he worked as a lecturer and teaching assistant at the University of Trento, as a Schuman trainee at the European Parliament, and as an intern at the Italian Trade Agency in Beijing.
Gianfranco Pellegrino
Gianfranco Pellegrino is an Associate Professor at LUISS Guido Carli Rome, where he teaches Political Philosophy. His interests are in the history of political thought (mainly Jeremy Bentham and Henry Sidgwick), distributive justice theories, migration, and environmental ethics. He wrote on global justice, the ethics of climate change and the Anthropocene. Among his publications: The Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change (edited with M. Di Paola), Springer, Switzerland, 2023, “Sidgwick and the Many Guises of the Good”, Philosophical Explorations, 2021; “Robust Responsibility for Climate Harms”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 2018, “Climate Refugees: A Case for Protection”, in G. Pellegrino e M. Di Paola, eds, Canned Heat. Theoretical and Practical Challenges of Global Climate Change, London/Delhi: Routledge, 2014.
Renata Pipicelli
Renata Pepicelli is Associate Professor of History of Islamic countries at the department of Civilizations and forms of knowledge at University of Pisa, where she teaches History of contemporary Arab world and Islamic Studies. In 2017 she was visiting scholar at the University of Bristol, in 2018 at the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakesh, in 2020 at the University of Kairouan, in May 2022 at University of Granada. Her scholarly activity focuses on gender studies in Islamic contexts, particularly in North Africa and Europe, social movements and Islamism in the MENA region. Recently she has also started to investigate the subject of enviromental crises and social movements in the Arab world. Her 2010 book titled Femminismo islamico: Corano, diritti, riforme is considered a milestone in the field of studies on gender in Islamic context with 10 reprints. Her book Il velo nell’Islam: Storia, politica, estetica (Carocci 2012) was translated in Finnish by the publishing house Vastapaino in 2014.
Anna Pirri Valentini
Anna Pirri Valentini is Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Political Science of Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome, where she teaches Heritage, Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development Policies. She is also Adjunct Professor of Art Market Legislation at NABA, Milan.
Dr. Pirri Valentini obtained her Ph.D. in Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage at IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca (2020) and graduated in law at Sapienza University, Rome (2015).
She has been a Visiting research scholar at the Institut des Sciences Sociales du Politique -École normale supérieure Paris Saclay- (Paris) and at the LSE- London School of Economics and Political Science (London).
Her research focuses on the policies and regulation of cultural heritage and art law. Her first monograph will be published (2023) in the She published in Italian (Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, Giornale di Diritto Amministrativo, AEDON, Diritto dell’Arte) and international (International Journal of Constitutional Law) journals. Dr. Pirri Valentini is member of the International Society of Public Law (ICON·S) and the Istituto di Ricerca sulla Pubblica Amministrazione (IRPA).
Carolina Polito
Carolina Polito is a PhD Candidate at LUISS Guido Carli University, where she deals with the geopolitics of surveillance technologies, in particular the export of biometric technologies to developing countries. She is also an associate researcher at the Center for European Policy Studies (Brussels) where she works on Tender-based projects for the evaluations of European policies on cybersecurity. She was an associate researcher at the International Affairs Institute (IAI) where she also worked on digital-related issues such as the proliferation of cyber weapons.
Pietro Pustorino
Pietro Pustorino is full professor of international law in Luiss Guido Carli since 2017. He is in Luiss co-director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies, Teaching Area Leader for international law, responsible for the Erasmus Program (Department of Law) and member of the PhD Committee on Law and Business. He is also Director of the Master on International Comparative European Union Law and on Public International Law, Luiss. He was visiting scholar and professor in many European and non-European Universities. He was appointed as expert or counsel by the Italian government for many dossiers on public intenational law as diplomatic protection, protection of human rights, climate change (member of the Committee of experts in support to the G20 on Climate and Energy held in 2021) etc.
Mark Thatcher
Mark Thatcher is Professor of Politics, Department of Political Science, Luiss University, Rome, and was previously Professor of Comparative and International Politics at the London School of Economics. His research interests lie in comparative public policy and regulation in Europe. He is studying comparative policies towards cultural heritage, at both national and EU levels. Recent publications on cultural heritage policies include: ‘Differentiated implementation and European integration: the development of EU food quality labelling’ (with Monica Garcia Quesada) (2023), West European Politics; ‘State museums raising their own resources: a comparison of the legal and managerial frameworks in Italy, France, and England’ (with Anna Pirri Valentini) (2022), Arte e Diritto 1(1): 53-79; -‘Direct and market governance paths for the creation of an EU political identity: cultural heritage policy’, Comparative European Politics 17(4) (2019): 585-602; ‘The state and historic buildings: preserving “the national past”’, Nations and Nationalism (2018); -‘State production of cultural nationalism: political leaders and preservation policies for historic buildings in France and Italy’, Nations and Nationalism 24 (1), 2018, 64–87.
Manfredi Valeriani
Manfredi Valeriani earned his PhD at Hamburg University and Luiss University with a thesis on “Funding Instruments to Italian NGOs” is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at Luiss where he also teaches Political Risk Analysis and International Politics and Businesses. He has been Adjunct Professor at the University “L’Orientale” in Naples and at the American University of Rome. His research currently focuses on Structured Analytic Techniques, Scenario Analysis, and Italian Foreign Policy.
Jorge Viñuales
Professor Jorge E. Viñuales is the Harold Samuel Chair of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge and a Professor of International Law at LUISS. In Cambridge, he founded Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG). He is also a Member of the Institut de Droit International, the Chairman of the Compliance Committee of the UNECE/WHO Protocol on Water and Health, the co-General Editor of the ICSID Reports, the General Editor of the Cambridge Studies on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Governance and a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of ICSID, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center and other institutions. Jorge has published widely in his specialty areas, including several reference works, such as The International Law of Energy (2022), the ICSID Reports (since 2018), International Environmental Law (2018) and The Foundations of International Investment Law (2014). His research has ranked him in Stanford University’s 2022 World Top 2% scientists list for research quality and impact. Jorge also has a wide portfolio of practice in transactional, pre-litigation and litigation matters, including as arbitrator, expert, counsel, co-counsel and policy advisor. He received his education in France (PhD, Sciences Po, Paris), the United States (LL.M. Harvard), Switzerland (LL.B, Freiburg; B.A., M.A., Geneva; B.A. M.A. IUHEI) and Argentina (LL.B. Unicen). He is a native Spanish speaker and is fluent in English, French and Italian.
Ivan Zaccagnini