Migration and Asylum (MIA)
The study of the migration phenomenon is among the disciplines that most require the contribution of a wide range of heterogeneous but contiguous methodological perspectives. History and economic-political geography make it possible to understand the profound reasons that drive populations to leave their territory in the direction of uncertain destinations, which nevertheless often represent the only possible alternative for the preservation and development of the life of a group of individuals. These are the necessary prerequisites for the planning of appropriate policies, which the law translates into a complex set of legal norms, among which a special place is occupied by those on international protection. The MIA unit intends to develop a fruitful interdisciplinary dialogue in order to study this phenomenon, understand its rationale and propose solutions. This objective is pursued with the involvement of academics and practitioners, joined by a permanent group of trainees, chosen from among students interested in the issues dealt with by the Unit.
Francesco Cherubini
Head of Unit
Francesco Cherubini is Associate Professor of EU Law at the Department of Political Science, Luiss “Guido Carli”, Rome. He is also the Director of the Luiss intensive course for the diplomatic career and the coordinator of the Luiss Master in Art Law. From 2022, he is UNCHR independent expert at the Rome Commission for asylum. Among his recent publications: Decisions under the Law of European Union: ‘You May Be Six People, but I Love You’, in YEL, 2022, pp- 1-60.
Claudia Candelmo
Claudia Candelmo is Researcher (RTD-B) in International Law at the Department of Law, University of Udine. Previously, she was Teaching Fellow in EU Law at Durham Law School and visiting research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Public, Comparative and International Law (Heidelberg). Her main research interests concern State responsibility and the interconnection between international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
Christopher Hein
Christopher Hein is Professor on contract at the University LUISS Guidi Carli, Dep. Political Science. He is a former UN international civil servant and former Director of the Italian Council for Refugees. Among his recent publications: La protezione dei diritti umani (ed.), LUISS University Press 2021; The Reform of the Dublin System, in: I Flussi Migratori e le Sfide all’Europa, ed. E. Sciso, Turin 2020.
Alfonso Giordano
Alfonso Giordano is an associate professor of “Economic and Political Geography” at the Niccolò Cusano University of Rome, where he also teaches “Population and Migrations”, and an adjunct professor of “Population, Environment and Sustainability” and “Demography and Social Challenges” at the LUISS University in Rome. His main research fields concern the geopolitics of climate change, the human-environment interactions, and the relationship between international migration and border studies, focusing on the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Giorgio Briozzo
Giorgio Briozzo is a practising lawyer in international and maritime law, and teaching assistant in International Organisations and Human Rights and International Institutions and Global Governance at LUISS Guido Carli. He is also a member of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War and of the Italian Maritime Law Association. Among his recent publications: The Establishment of the European Union Agency for Asylum, in Osorin (eds.), Working Paper 2-2022M; Il ruolo del comandante di nave in relazione ad ipotesi di soccorso in mare nel diritto nazionale ed internazionale, in DirMar, 2019, pp. 715-747.