Luglio 10, 2023

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

ECJ: EU member States must start implementing the EU blocking statute properly

by Michele D'Orazio

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Febbraio 25, 2023

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

The Court of Justice of the EU makes a proposal to ease the burden of its offices

by Grazia Covotta

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Luglio 24, 2022

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

UK-Rwanda Memorandum breaching ius cogens: what the ECHR has done – and can practically do

by Irene Rusconi

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Aprile 16, 2022

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

Russia out of the Council of Europe: what about human rights?

by Irene Rusconi

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Migration and Asylum (MIA)

Censorship in Russia during the conflict in Ukraine: the case of Novaya Gazeta

by Martina Carbonaro

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Marzo 17, 2022

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

Ukrainian refugees: the Council of the EU activates for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive

by Arianna Monte

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Febbraio 28, 2022

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

The New Pact on Migration and Asylum (part one): The Three Core Proposals

by Lea Cerin

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Gennaio 28, 2022

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

Hungary and Poland against Rule of law Conditionality Regulation: the AG’s Opinions

by Jasmina Saric

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Maggio 12, 2021

Migration and Asylum (MIA)

EU Reaction to Hungarian Asylum Regulation

by Susan Elkholy

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Luglio 25, 2015

Asia Observatory (AO)

La dichiarazione di Kuala Lumpur e le prospettive di integrazione dell’Organizzazione regionale del Sud-Est asiatico

by Emanuele Vincent

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Gennaio 23, 2015

Asia Observatory (AO)

Accordo USA-Cina sulle emissioni di gas serra

by Alberto Monteverdi

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